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Gamification: You're Crazy Not to Do It

Struggling with employee motivation and accountability? Finding it difficult to engage your employees while they’re at work? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then it sounds like gamification is right for you! 

Gamification is a hot topic in the workplace. With 70% of the U.S. workforce currently labeling themselves as actively disengaged from work. Imagine forcing yourself to go to work at a place where you don’t really enjoy yourself. It’s a chore just getting yourself dressed for the day. Now imagine that compounded by an indefinite amount of days which will eventually roll over to months only to then become years. This sounds excruciating. 

Now, what if you had the power to change all of that for your employees? What if you were able to make work more enjoyable, so much so that they actually want to come to work? Gamification can help you help your employees. Let’s dive into the specifics of how. 

 Data shows that 65% of American adults play video games, 79% of American adults feel that games provide mental stimulation, and lastly, 78% feel that games provide relaxation and stress relief. What if you had the ability to tap into this amazing power that video games seem to hold over adults? Well, gamification allows you to do just that! 

By using gamification, you are able to help improve employee engagement through regular recognition, competition, and rewards. Not only will your employee engagement skyrocket, but you will boost morale. This makes the work environment more positive, productive, and enjoyable. 

It increases productivity because you are integrating the use of technology with the workplace. Whereas previously, technology was considered taboo. Banned even. Because using technology while at work can decrease productivity, right? Wrong! Not when used the right way! Younger employees have likely grown up around technology. They have been exposed a lot longer than the more seasoned employees. Therefore, their familiarity with it becomes second-nature to them. Use this to your advantage! 

Through recognition and praise for being consistent with log and checklist taking, combined with some sort of reward system, you’ll have a motivated, confident crew of employees!


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Everyone in the restaurant industry is dealing with high employee turnover rates.

Everyone in the restaurant industry is dealing with high employee turnover rates. Some may be facing this problem more than others
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