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Marketing Your Restaurant to the Community Gives You an Advantage

Are you looking to engage members of your community? What about increasing your brand exposure? Marketing within your community might just be the answer to both of those questions. Connecting with those that are local can give you an edge over your competitors in several ways. One being that you have the chance to interact and build a relationship with your potential customers. Take youth sports teams for example. These teams are constantly looking for ways to attend out of town tournaments or purchase new uniforms and or equipment. By reaching out to the coach and offering to sponsor the team and help anyway you can, you are building a relationship. The coach, the members of the team and their families are unlikely to forget your good will. 

Another way to interact with your community is through good old fashion conversation. By getting out and just talking to members of your community, you are able to spread the word about you and your business. The best part about this option is that it’s absolutely free. Building trust within a relationship is extremely important. Especially if you want these people to eventually become loyal customers of your establishment. Connect with the owners of other local businesses, bring them an item from your menu to enjoy during your meeting. 

Churches hold a position of great power within the community. By connecting with the youth ministers, pastors, priests, and other members of the clergy, you are essentially meeting with the heart of the community. These individuals are influential and can often sway the opinions of their congregations. What they have to say is important and taken into consideration. They have the ability to take what you have to offer and broadcast it to a larger audience. 

Ultimately, when looking to marketing to your community, think about your reputation. Are you known for being charitable or well-liked? Are you an active member of the community? If you can’t seem to answer either of these questions, you have some work to do. Being an active member of the community is only one piece of the puzzle. Having a good reputation can go a long way. And, it can be the difference between increasing both your brand awareness and business. 

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Everyone in the restaurant industry is dealing with high employee turnover rates.

Everyone in the restaurant industry is dealing with high employee turnover rates. Some may be facing this problem more than others
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