The FreshCheq Blog

How Restaurants Should Prepare for COVID-19

Written by Jake Davis | Mar 12, 2020 2:09:20 PM

How restaurant sales will be impacted by the Coronavirus is still too early to tell. Chances are
that all aspects of restaurant operations will be affected in one way or another. Here at
FreshCheq, we wanted to remind you that you are able to send push notifications or alerts for
hand washing, sanitizing or any other cleaning job reminder that you would like. Knowing that
your employees are keeping up with the alerts will help keep your worries at bay during this

Coronavirus spreads mainly from an infected person through a cough or a sneeze. The potential
of this spreading from customers to employees or employees to customers can be worrisome.
Here are a few ways to help your restaurant, your employees and also your customers.

The Center for Disease Control recommends washing your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds
and then rinse. Temporarily, employees should consider refraining from wearing all jewelry.
However, at the very least, employees should remove all jewelry when washing hands, and pay
special attention to scrubbing under the fingernails.

Employees should consistently clean all surfaces that people touch such as tabletops,
doorknobs, serving utensils on a buffet. Employees should also switch out utensils frequently, to
ensure that the utensils that are being used are clean.

Sending employees home that become ill during the day can help contain the possibility of the
spreading of any illness, not just the Coronavirus.

Employees showing flu-like symptoms should stay home until they are symptom free for at least
24 hours. This can help decrease the possibility of spreading any illnesses.

Adding more staff to keep up with the cleaning, to make sure that all high-touch surfaces, such
as table-tops and doorknobs are well sanitized throughout the day.

Have hand sanitizing wipes available around restaurant for customers and employees to use.
These would not be a substitution for employee hand-washing, they would be used in addition
to hand-washing.

Using a kitchen timer, or better yet, FreshCheq tools, as a reminder to wash hands and wipe
down areas.

Paying closer attention to the cleaning procedures during this time will go along way in helping
your restaurants stay worry-free and run more smoothly. You know your restaurants and
employees the best. Make the decisions that are best suited for your establishment.