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4 Keys to Managing Multiple Restaurants for Franchise Owners

One of the most attractive perks for franchise owners
is the ability to expand throughout a city or region. Many corporate
headquarters offer logistical support and allow owners to benefit from
name recognition, which makes it easier for owners to grow their
operations and devote their full-time attention to managing their
businesses. There are numerous challenges facing owners of multiple
restaurants, but a little planning and the right tools are enough to
overcome these obstacles.

Learn to Delegate

Entrepreneurs and small business owners often share one critical downfall: they fear sharing responsibility. SABA says that
“As you climb higher up the ladder at work, you’ll find that doing
everything yourself is simply impossible. You’re at the helm of bigger
projects and have greater responsibilities. Relying on your team is a
must.” It can be hard to pass the reins to someone else knowing that
they could mess it up, but the ability to delegate is essential for
managing multiple locations. Owners should take the time to meet
managers and other employees to find individuals who are motivated,
knowledgeable, and interested in leadership positions. Cultivating a
strong management team at each restaurant is the foundation for success.

Emphasis on Initiative and Action

Many of the biggest and most
successful companies tout their corporate culture as a primary source of
strength. Essentially, culture reflects the values of the company and
how these values are expressed to and through employees. Owners and
managers are responsible for fostering routines, behaviors, and
attitudes that shape the way the organization operates. Culture can even
be created through incentives or other programs that reward workers for
exceptional job performance. FreshCheq tools
allow multi-unit owners to monitor daily operations at all locations
with the corporate portal. Translating the company culture into
actionable tasks requires accountability.

Stay Informed About Employee Activity

Some franchise owners hesitate at the
idea of installing cameras in all of their stores, but live video
surveillance provides several critical benefits. According to Pro-Vigil Video Monitoring,
“There are times when your property may be bustling with activity.
There are other times when your property will likely be totally
deserted. During these times, a live video monitoring surveillance
system that only comes online when it detects a potential threat may be
the best surveillance solution available.” Merely installing cameras can
discourage crime or dangerous activity in general, as well as remind
employees that they are accountable throughout the day. Recording
activity within the store can also provide law enforcement with vital
evidence if someone commits a crime on the property.

  • Owners should take the time to meet
  • managers and other employees to find individuals who are motivated,
  • knowledgeable, and interested in leadership positions.
  1. Owners should take the time to meet
  2. managers and other employees to find individuals who are motivated,
  3. knowledgeable, and interested in leadership positions.

Create Official Procedures and Rules

Owners opening up their first
establishment may feel little need for formal procedures and operating
guidelines. However, creating a standardized mission, stated objectives
and employee protocols early on can make the growing process much less
painful. Official rules provide a universal framework among various
stores, which makes it easier for them to exchange personnel when
needed, and give managers stronger footing when dealing with employee

Managing multiple restaurants is a
demanding and time-consuming experience for franchise owners at first,
but the rewards are well worth the effort for owners willing to commit
to their business. New or prospective franchise owners should seek out a
mentor or industry professional who can offer specific insight into the
process of founding and expanding restaurants. Additionally, make sure
to get on top of the newest tools and tech that will make running your franchise as smooth and cost-effective as possible.

Everyone in the restaurant industry is dealing with high employee turnover rates.

Everyone in the restaurant industry is dealing with high employee turnover rates. Some may be facing this problem more than others
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